HFR system name:
Spatial location:
NW Spain
Sites (frequency):
HFR-Galicia-FIST (4.463 MHz), HFR-Galicia-LPRO (13.5 MHz),HFR-Galicia-PRIO (4.463 MHz),HFR-Galicia-SILL (4.463 MHz),HFR-Galicia-vila (4.463 MHz)
Owning institution:
Instituto Hidrografico; PUERTOS DEL ESTADO; INTECMAR - Xunta de Galicia
Operating institution:
Instituto Hidrografico; PUERTOS DEL ESTADO; INTECMAR - Xunta de Galicia
EDMO code:
590, 2751, 4841
Contact names:
Pedro Montero, Pablo Lorente, Instituto Hidrografico
Contact emails:
pmontero@intecmar.gal; plorente@puertos.es; ih.snig.metadados@hidrografico.pt
Time coverage:
2011 - present
Surface ocean velocities estimated from this 5 MHz long range HF-Radar are representative of the upper 2 meters of the water column. The main objective of the near-real time processing is to produce the best product from available data at the time of processing. Radial velocity measurements are obtained from the individual radar sites of the Galician HF-Radar Network. Hourly radial data are combined by unweighted least-squares on a 6km resolution regular Cartesian grid of the Galician Coast to produce near real-time hourly surface currents maps. The technical maintenance and operating is ensured by collaboration between Puertos del Estado (http://www.puertos.es/) and Intecmar (www.intecmar.gal) – Xunta de Galicia.
Galicia HF Radar Network has been established within RAIA and MyCoast projects.