Finished related projects
CALYPSO South addresses the challenges of safer marine transportation, protection of human lives at sea, and safeguarding of marine and coastal resources from irreversible damages. It is a commitment to put technological advancement and scientific endeavour at the service of humanitarian responses, reducing risks in sea faring, and protecting the marine environment.
Combination of altimetry and hfr observations for coastal data assimilation.
Service for real-time data ranking in the IBI area for emergency responders and SAR operators.
Innovation and networking for the integration of coastal radars into European marine services
IMpact of Ports on marine protected areas: Cooperative Cross-Border Actions
The IMPACT project is included in the program ‘Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo 2014-2020’. It aims to provide tools and guidelines to combine the conservation of the marine protected areas (MPA) with the development of port activities in the transboundary areas.
Implementation of an innovative system to monitor the state of the sea in climate change scenarios.
Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory –
Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories.
Consolidation of a knowledge infrastructure for the assessment of coastal risks in the context of climate change.
Application of tools that allow improving coastal management in a climate change scenario.
Improving the resilience of coastal regions through the development of climate services.
Involvement of stakeholders in achieving coastal communities more resilient to climate change.
Coordination, both technical and economic, of the project. This activity has been in charge of the semi-annual meetings of the project.
Communication and dissemination of the results is an important part of the project. Throughout it, numerous meetings and workshops have been attended, such as the EOF.
MELOA offers an innovative solution to extend and improve the current in situ ocean observing and monitoring systems.
MyCOAST aims to build a coordinated Atlantic Coastal Operational Observatory in the Atlantic area, joining capabilities from all the 5 Member States, all targeted towards the improvement of coastal monitoring and forecasting tools to support threat and emergency response.
The project aims to increase the capability of Mediterranean regional, sub regional and local authorities and of research community to jointly assess and address hazards related to pollution and environmental threats in Mediterranean.
Cross-border system for maritime safety against maritime hazards and protection of the marine environment.
The RADAR ON RAIA project aims to update and extend beyond the Galician border the HF radar network that has been operating since 2011 of the RAIA Observatory of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula.